The Tharseo Collective


Founder image

The Message

Reflection of a Lifestyle

   This world can be dark, broken, and full of hardships. Even in such times. Grace gives us hope, while grit; the boldness to walk through it.

.. walk it. live it. wear it ..

The Name

'Thar-say-oe' : verb

   Inspired by John 16:33 NLT
“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

   Tharseo is the Greek transliteration for "take heart". It means have courage or be unafraid. Tharseo is the great emboldening of our bravery, endurance and fearlessness. Not by our just own doing, it's an empowerment.

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Founder image

Put the "i" in Collective

   Some of us may have more tenacity, boldness or ambition than others; even to a detriment at times. However none of us, should lack grace. This brand is more than only a battlecry. It's a rally for humilty, just as much it is for strength. Hope, just as much as it is for grit.

So now as a collective, we will go out into our world with grace. Followed closely by boldness so that everyone has the chance to share in our hope.

"A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to." - Gandalf | Tolkien

Going into 2023

We originally had more planned for Tharseo since launch in April of 2022. However due to supply chain issues and the learning curve of being a new small business. Our original plans quickly got delayed or died altogether.

Exclusive Drops

But we've not given up. Going into 2023 we're doing things different. We'll be starting to make some products in house with the goal to transition all current and future designs into a much more sustainable and controled creation process.

Be in the Know

In the future, we'll be rolling our drop information and newsletters. Give us your email so you hear about it first, once it's time.